N3306 User manual
When you feel the phone cannot react inaccurately after you use the touchpen to tap some place on the
calibration is needed, which ensures the touch screen of phone can react correctly for
tapping action.
on the screen of “Settings”
tap “Calibration” to enter the calibration screen
use the touchpen to tap the center of cross according to the hint. After threw times, the screen
displays “Calibration OK”
Reset settings
“Reset settings” is to resume all original default value. After selecting, the system will prompt “Input
security code”, then input correct password to reset, and it will prompt “Master Reset”. After confirming, the
system resumes the default value and prompts “Master resetting”. Using this function will not clear the data
of phonebook and message saved by you own. It only changes the setting of the working environment, such
as the selection of ring tone and phone modes, etc.
Reset all
“Reset all” is to resume all original default value. After selecting, the system will prompt “Input security
code”, then input correct password to reset, and it will prompt “Reset all
”. After confirming, the system
will prompt “Deleting all files”. Using this function will clear the data of phonebook and message saved by
you own. It only changes the setting of the working environment, such as the selection of ring tone and
phone modes, etc. After completion, the phone will power off automatically, and it is needed to restart.