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4  NEC MobilePro 900 Release Notes 

Connecting an Optional Headphone 

Before connecting an optional headphone to the MobilePro 900, install a ferrite 
core on the connector end of the headphone cable. Installation of the ferrite core 
on the headphone cable reduces radio interference when you connect the 
headphone to the MobilePro 900 earphone/microphone jack. Ferrite cores ship 
with the MobilePro 900. 

To install the ferrite core, follow the procedure for installing the core on the USB 
cable (see the previous section, “Connecting a Device to the USB Port”). The 
procedure for installing the ferrite core is the same for both cables. 

Opening JETCET PRINT Help 

If you cannot open JETCET PRINT Help in the MobilePro 900 Help, open the 
Help program directly within the JETCET PRINT program. 

Installing bUSEFUL Backup and bFAX Files 

When you install BSQUARE bUSEFUL Backup and bFAX applications from 
the MobilePro 900 Application and Driver CD, the installation program prompts 
you to overwrite some files that already exist on the MobilePro 900. Click “Yes” 
to overwrite the files.  

Installing WLAN CF Drivers 

During the installation of the WLAN CF drivers from the MobilePro 900 
Application and Driver CD, the installation program displays an “Unsupported 
Device Type” message. When prompted, choose “Yes” to install drivers that 
support the MobilePro 900. 

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NEC Solutions (America), Inc. 
Mobile Solutions Division 
