ESMPRO Agent for Linux
CPU Properties
Sample Interval
- This is the CPU load monitoring cycle. It defines how often
the CPU load is sampled. In the example to the right, if the CPU load is sampled
every 10 seconds, you are collecting six data points every minute.
Utilization Rate
- CPU load is measured for the time period shown in this field.
In the example on the right, CPU load is sampled every 10 seconds and
computed over a period of 1 minute.
Total button
- Selecting the Total button displays total CPU load in the Report
and Reset columns.
CPU’s Item
- Selecting the CPU button displays data for that CPU in the Report
and Reset columns.
Enable Threshold
- Check this box to make these settings effective now. Leave
it unchecked to store settings for future use. Thresholds can also be set in the
Data Viewer at the ESMPRO Manager.
Fatal Report Limit
- When the CPU load exceeds this amount, a fatal alert
message is generated and the status of the Agent changes from warning to
abnormal. The fatal alert is cleared when the CPU load falls below the value in
the Fatal/Reset column.
Fatal Reset
- When the CPU load falls below this value, the Agent status is
reset from Abnormal to Warning.
Warning Report Limit
- When the CPU load exceeds this amount, a warning
alert message is generated and the status of the Agent changes from normal to
warning. The warning alert is cleared when the CPU load falls below the
Warning/Reset value.
Warning Reset
- When the CPU load falls below this value, the Agent status is
reset from Warning to normal.