If you frequently work together with the same people, your extensions
may be in a Call Pickup Group. This allows you and your co-workers
to use Group Call Pickup to easily answer each other's ringing calls.
Group Call Pickup also helps if you frequently cover for co-workers
in another Pickup Group. When a call rings one of their phones, you
can intercept it even if you don't know their extension numbers.
With Group Call Pickup, you can intercept the following types of calls:
A call ringing an extension in your own Pickup Group.
A call ringing an extension in another Pickup Group when you
know the group number.
A call ringing an extension in another Pickup Group when you
don't know the group number.
+ (Pickup).
+ .
When you don't know the Pickup Group
1. + (Pickup).
+ .
When you know the Pickup Group number
+ (Pickup).
+ +
Group number (1-9 or 01-64).
To answer a call
ringing a phone in
another Pickup
To answer a call ring-
ing another phone in
your Pickup Group:
Group Call Pickup
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