Chapter 2 : Aspire Conference Bridge PCB Setup
Aspire Conference Bridge Manual
Aspire System Programming
The telephone system programming of the 16CNFU PCB can be de
ned using a multibutton keyset, PCPro or
1. To program the system, the 16CNFU PCB should be installed in the desired slot in the system cabinet.
2. The 16CNFU PCB consumes the next available 16 ports using ports 001~256.
3. Access the Aspire system programming. With telephone programming, press CALL1 + # * # * +
system pa HOLD. For PCPro or WebPro access, refer to the Aspire Data Communications
Manual (P/N 089114) for details on making the connection.
Consult the System Administrator for the system password.
4. Access Program 10-03-02 PCB Setup and enter the slot number of 16CNFU PCB to verify which ports
are used. In the following example the 16CNFU has been placed into slot 6:
Example: 10-03-02 = Slot No 6
ESI port 01 CH1 TEL 33
5. Port 33 [Extension 333] is the first port assigned to the 16CNFU.
6. Dial Extension 333 to verify the 16CNFU PCB.
7. Steps 1 - 6 verify the PCB installation. Additional programs are provided to configure the department
hunt group:
11-07-01 : Department Group Pilot Numbers.
Use this option to set the pilot number for the Conference Bridge ports.
16-01-04 : Department Group Basic Data Setup - Hunting Mode
Use this option to set the action taken when a call reaches the last extension in the department group.
An entry of "0" will mean that when the last extension is called, hunting is stopped. An entry of "1"
will perform a circular hunt once all extensions have been tried (retrying the department group from
rst extension).
16-02-01 : Department Group Assignment for Extension
Use this option to assign the extensions numbers used for the Conference Bridge to a speci
c depart-
ment group number.
Example: Extension 333 - Extension Group 5