78K0R – Save It!
Figure 37: IAR C-SPY debugger
11.3 Running the application
After downloading the project to the device the debugger window opens and, if not changed by the user, the
program runs to the first instruction of the main() function. When reaching this point the necessary clock
initialization is already executed.
This sample project makes use of different timer interrupts to control the 7 segment LEDs available on the
TK-78K0RKE3L board. So this project gives a short overview about timer initialization and timer interrupts
usage of one timer array unit (TAU) channel as well as the real time clock (RTC) peripheral.
11.3.1 Count mode
When resuming execution of the program, after the break when entering the main function, the controller
starts to count up from 0 to 49 on the 7 segment LEDs. This is controlled by the TAU channel 0 which is
initialized as an interval timer. Furthermore every time the interrupt occurs and the value is counted up the
interval time increases. During this stage both external interrupts INTP0 and INTP2 are disabled.
User’s Manual