7 INITIALIZATION (please note this procedure has been performed at
the factory and is left here for reference purposes only)
Before the instrument can be used it must be initialized. Following the steps below
will ensure that the Digital Hammer is ready to take impact readings.
7.1 Initialize Memory and Test Record Number
When power is first turned on press the ESC Key to select the instruments
test functions, “Self Test Prog.” will be displayed. Use the Up and Down
Arrow keys to display “INIT MEMORY & TN”. Pressing the ENTER Key will
initialize the memory (reset the address pointer in the external EEPROM
memory) and set the Test Record Number to zero. After initialization “Mem
&Test# Reset” will be displayed.
7.2 Set Hammer Zero
While still in the test menus use the Up and Down Arrow keys to display “SET
HAMMER ZERO” and press the ENTER Key. Displayed will be “Cock
Hammer Head, Press Enter”. Following these instructions, cock and lock the
hammer (or hammer fully deployed) and then press the ENTER Key.
Displayed will then be “ZeroReadingSaved”. Turn off power.
7.3 Calibrating the Hammer
Turn on power, select the “CAL HAMMER” menu item and press the ENTER
Key. Displayed is “Cock Hammer” or if the hammer is already cocked the
message “Read Anvil will be displayed. Insert the hammerhead into NDT
James’ calibration anvil and release the hammer. The hammerhead will
impact the calibration surface and rebound 68 counts. Displayed briefly will
be “Calibrated”. Turn off power.
7.4 Instrument
Turn on power.
Before using the instrument the following items need to be verified or
From the CONFIG menu
Operating Language
English or Spanish
Discard Value
1 – 20 rebound counts
Reset Test Number
No or Yes (reset has already be done)
For Strength models from the ANGLE menu
Impact angle
(floor), 0
(wall) or +90