Model 125X MiniPrinter Series User’s Manual
Character Buffering
Print Method
Character Matrix
Character Spacing
Line Feed Spacing
Print Speed
AC Voltage
DC Voltage
External Dimensions
Specifi cations
Available baud rates
: 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800,
9600, 19200
Voltage levels:
RS-232C: -9 Volts to +9 Volts
TTL: 0 Volts to +5 Volts
RS-2485: 200mV differential
Character format:
Standard ASCII character set—10 or 11 bits per
character, 7 or 8 data bits.
Even or odd parity selection for 7 data bits.
Bit mapped graphics—10 bits per character
Busy signal - Clear to Send (CTS, XON-XOFF)
36-pin Centronics connector
1.5K standard
8K optional
Approximately 9,500 byte capacity with option
Impact dot matrix
5 x 5, 5 x 7, 5 x 8
24 column: 12.8 characters/inch
32 column: 17 characters/inch
40 column: 21 characters/inch
7.4 lines per inch
130 lines per minute for 24 column
110 lines per minute for 32 and 40 column
Table top: 2.25”W x 2.75”D; 0.44” I.D.
Panel mount: 2.25”W x 1.25”D
1.5 Watts (idle), 15 Watts maximum while printing
VAC (120 VAC stepdown converter included)
Multi-national converters optional
Optional 9-12 VDC
140mA idle, 1 amp with 100% printing, 5.5 amp peak
with 100% printing
4.6”W x 5.0”L x 2.2”H