Model 125X MiniPrinter Series User’s Manual
Send this control code to turn ON the reverse fi eld
printing mode. This will print white letters on a dark
background. Do not print more that three reverse
fi eld print lines. Also, do not print more than a few
empty spaces in a reverse fi eld. The printer may
become overloaded and stop printing.
The printer powers up in the column mode last se-
lected by confi guration. You can change the column
width by sending the appropriate control code from
the list below:
Control code 29 - 24 columns
Control code 30 - 32 columns
Control code 31 - 40 columns
You can send the control code at any point on a line
before the buffer becomes fi lled. You cannot change
column widths on the same line.
The Model 125X printer can produce all ASCII
characters from hex 20 through hex 7D (decimal 32
through 125). Here’s what they look like:
Note the last two codes of the usual ASCII character
set are not supported. Instead, if CHR$(126), which
corresponds to hexadecimal 7E, is received by the
125X printer, it will print the character defi ned in its
RAM (Random Access Memory). The section on
USER Programmable Character describes how this
RAM can be loaded with any 6 x 8 pattern.
Reverse Field
Control Code 25
Selectable Column
Width Codes 29,
30, 31