Our 2nd generation Wireless ZigBee Mirror Modules were built
upon customer feedback of our original Mirror Module de
vices. ZigBee Mirror Modules offer all the features our cus
tomer have requested, including support for 2
way communi
cation with feedback display and full support for targeting mul
tiple wireless relay controllers.
ZigBee Mirror Modules transmit wireless contact closures to
remote relay controllers. This allows you to activate wireless
relays in a remote location by simply connecting a switch to
the ZigBee Mirror Module. For example, let’s say you have a
light in another building that you want to control from your
house. You don’t want a computer to activate the lights, you
just want to control the light remotely from a switch. Rather
than running wires, you can simply wire a switch to a ZigBee
Mirror Module. Every time you turn the switch on or off, the
Mirror Module will send a signal to the remote ZigBee relay
controller to turn the light on or off.
ZigBee is simply a form of wireless communications. We sup
port ONLY Digi Series 1 communications, meaning the current
line of ZigBee Mirror Modules will ONLY communicate to NCD
devices that utilize the ZigBee Series 1 communications mod
ule. A complete list of compatible controllers is available by
clicking here
. At this time, we do not plan to support Series 2
Mesh Networking communications.
You may also see references throughout this manual to contact
closure inputs. For instance, a ZSCAN16_MIRROR controller
has 16 contact closure inputs. This means you can connect 16
switches directly to the ZSCAN16_MIRROR. These switches can
control up to 16 remote relays.
There are 3 versions of the ZigBee Wireless Mirror Module. All
three versions are based on the ZSCAN series circuit board, but
the firmware has been completely redesigned for the purposes
of stand
alone operation for direct communications to any
ZigBee Series 1 relay controller. Mirror Module firmware is
indicated by the use of _MIRROR in the device part number.
The ZSCAN16_MIRROR is based on the ZSCAN16 Circuit board
running MIRROR firmware, offering 16 contact closure inputs.
The ZSCAN32_MIRROR is based on the ZSCAN32 Circuit board
running MIRROR firmware, offering 32 contact closure inputs.
The ZSCAN48_MIRROR is based on the ZSCAN48 Circuit board
running MIRROR firmware, offering 48 contact closure inputs.
ZigBee Mirror Modules like to have direct control over a re
mote relay controller. Behavior may be unpredictable if you
attempt to control a remote relay controller with a computer
and a ZigBee Mirror Module at the same time. For best results,
you should choose weather you need computer controlled
relays or Mirror Module controlled relays.
ZigBee Mirror Modules support targeting. Targeting allows a
single ZigBee Mirror Module to talk to 24 remote ZigBee Relay
Controllers. You can target many different types of devices,
such as 1
channel relay controllers, 2
channel relay controllers,
or our complete line of 2/4/8/16/24/32 ProXR Series relay con
trollers. You can mix controller types in any combination. For
instance, a ZSCAN16_MIRROR with 16 contact closure inputs
can be used to target two 8
Channel ProXR series ZigBee relay
controllers. Or it can be configured to control one 8
ZigBee relay controller, four 2
channel ZigBee relay controllers,
and four 1
channel relay controllers, all in separate locations.
ZigBee Mirror Modules are expandable to 256 contact closure
inputs. They are compatible with any of our
Contact Closure
Input Expansion Devices.
As your application grows, your Zig
Bee Mirror Module is ready to grow with your needs.
In some applications, you may want to know if the remote re
lay controller received your signals. ZigBee Mirror Modules
support FULL 2
way communications. Data regarding the
status of the remote relay is sent to the XR expansion port on
the ZigBee Mirror module. If you only want to display the
status of the remote relay,
you can use the following device
However, you can also turn on a local relay that can be used
for other applications by plugging in any
XR Expansion Relay
Configuration and Requirements
ZigBee Mirror Modules must be configured to control remote
relays. The ZigBee Mirror Module must know the serial num
bers of all of your remote relay controllers. These serial num
bers are permanently stored in the ZigBee Mirror Module de
vice, but may be changed at any time as your configuration
changes. Configuration is accomplished by using our
Mirror software
. This software is used to tell the Mirror Mod
ule the type of remote relay controllers you plan to communi
cate with, its serial number, and a few other configuration set
tings. A ZigBee Mirror Module is configured wirelessly. As
such, a
ZigBee Modem
is required to configure the ZigBee Mir
ror Module.
At this time, an enclosure is not available specifically for our
ZigBee Mirror Modules; however, many universal electronics
enclosures are available directly from and