Operating the Boiler 43
Outdoor reset curve
-: Not in use.
1: Finned tube baseboard
2: FAN coil
3: Cast iron baseboard
4: Low mass radiant
5: High mass radiant
6: Radiator
7: Custom (set by installer)
Boost interval time (set by
Space heating water pressure
in Bar
To exit information mode, press the Reset button.
9.4 Setting the Operation Mode
1. Using the Front Panel, press and hold the ECO, Summer/
Winter and Space heating button at the same time for over 5
seconds until “1.TST” is displayed.
2. Press the + (Up) or – (Down) buttons until “2.OPR” is
3. Press the ECO Button once to access the Operation mode
4. Press the + (Up) or – (Down) buttons to switch between the
Operation mode types.
5. To exit the Operation Mode setting and return the boiler to
normal operation, press the Reset button.
9.5 Setting the Parameters
You can modify parameter settings for boiler operations, such
as the space heating and DHW temperature ranges, in different
operating conditions. Follow the instructions below to enter the
Special Parameter mode and change parameter settings.
Parameters must be set by a qualified professional with
an extensive understanding of the boiler system. Setting
parameters improperly may lead to property damage or
1. Press the Power button and turn off the boiler.
2. Press and hold the ECO and Summer/Winter button at the
same time for 5 seconds to enter the Special Parameter
3. You will be asked to enter a password (“PASS” is displayed).
The factory default password is “1234”.