PN6280_Hardware Design
S11 or VSWR
S11 indicates the matching level of the 50 Ohm impedance for the antenna. It affects the antenna
efficiency in a certain extent. The VSWR testing method could be used for measuring purpose. The
recommended value for S11 is less than -10dB.
Polarization refers to the rotation direction of electric field while the antenna is in the direction of
maximum radiation. Linear polarization is recommended. It is recommended to use the diversity
antenna which has the different polarization direction from the main antenna.
Radiation pattern
The radiation pattern refers to the intensity of the electromagnetic field while the antenna is in every
direction of the far field. Dipole antenna is perfect as the terminal antenna. For built-in antenna, it is
recommended to use PIFA or IFA antennas.
Antenna dimension: 6mm*10mm*100mm (H*W*L).
Antenna radiation direction: omnidirectional.
Gain and directivity
Antenna directivity refers to the intensity of the electromagnetic field while the electromagnetic wave
is in all directions. Gain is the collection of the efficiency and directivity of the antenna. It is
recommended that antenna gain is less than or equal to 3dBi.
In addition to antenna performance, some other interference from the PCB will also affect the module
performance. To ensure the high performance of the module, the interference must be under control.
Suggestions: keep speaker, LCD, CPU, FPC wire routing, audio circuits, and power supply away from
the antenna, and add appropriate filtering and shielding protection, or adding filtering devices on the