System Setup
Before setting gains on the aftermarket amplifiers or DSP, you MUST follow the steps below:
1. Set the factory Bass & Treble on all sources to flat (0).
2. If the vehicle has a 7 band EQ set it to flat (0) as well.
3. Turn the amplifier and DSP input and output gains to zero (all the way down).
4. With dynamic music playing, adjust the radio volume to MAXIMUM!
5. Adjust the amplifier and DSP input and output gains to the desired maximum level.
NOTE: From the factory, some vehicle will attenuate audio when in reverse. The ZEN-25 will retain this OEM
feature. The same is true for Nav guidance and phone calls.
Multi-Color LED Status Indicator
LED Status
Solid Red
Blinking Red
Blinking Blue or Green
M.O.S.T. Active
M.O.S.T. Traffic Commands
Digital Clipping Indicator
USB connected, M.O.S.T. inactive
ZEN-25 System Layout (Analog)
The factory amp
must be removed