ZEN Digital Output Configuration
The strip audio feature allows you to remove all audio from each analog output
while leaving all factory gongs, handsfree audio and audible navigation prompts.
This feature is used commonly with an external DSP that allows digital Toslink
and analog inputs to mix. An example would be using the Toslink set to
“front fading” to provide audio to the front speakers and using the analog front
channels to provide the mix in of the factory gongs, handsfree and audible
navigation prompts.
To remove audio from each individual analog channel, select and highlight the
strip audio box in the desired channels row. All channels where you wish to
remove audio must be checked.
Note: If using both digital and analog inputs to your DSP, where you wish to use
the analog channelsonly for gongs and voice , set the gong setting on the digital
output to minimum.
The “gong” setting is to control the volume of the audible gongs and to reassign
where the factory gongs are heard. To add the gong to the desired channel,
highlight the gong mix select icon. In the example to the left, all channels have
been selected to play the factory warning gongs. After selecting the desired
channel(s) the volume control slider allows you to control the mix in level
of the warning gongs. This allows full control of the alerts and is independant
of the audio stream. An example of a factory gong alert is the audible low fuel
indicator or bulb malfunction warning.
To raise or lower all channels at once that have been selected for gong mix, click
on the gong mix link icon. Please note that the link channel will only allow
simultaneous changes to all channels that have been selected for gong mix. All
channels that are not selected for gong mix will not raise or lower using the gong
link icon.
Gong Link