Functions: The Buttons
12. Feedback Modes
Cascade feedback mode literally turns Nautilus into the Qu-Bit Cascade... Gotcha.
In this mode, the delay lines feed into one another in serial. What does this mean?
It means that each delay in their respective stereo channel feeds into the next one,
looping back to the first delay line at the end.
Cascade mode can be used to create incredibly long delay times. Depending on
certain settings, Nautilus can achieve up to 80 second delays in this mode.
Adrift feedback mode is a combination of both Ping Pong mode and Cascade mode.
Each delay line feeds into the next delay line on the opposite stereo channel. This
leads to a sort of meandering delay line that can create interesting stereo surprises.
You never quite know what sound is going to pop up where.
Cascade Mode Visualization
1 delay line =
left input signal path =
right input signal path =
1 delay line =
left input signal path =
right input signal path =
Sensors and Cascade/Adrift modes:
Sensors takes an additional function on when in either Cas-
cade or Adrift mode. When Sensors is set to the minimum, these modes only send the first delay
lines of each channel to the wet signal output. As you bring Sensors up, each time delay lines are
added, Cascade and Adrift modes include the new delay line outputs to the wet signal output.
For a visual explanation, imagine that, when you turn up Sensors to 2, new lines from the 2L and
2R boxes in the above graphics connect from both boxes to their respective signal output lines
next to them.
Here’s a fun patch to show this interaction: Patch a simple, slow arpeggio into Nautilus. Set delay
mode to Shimmer, and set Feedback mode to either Cascade or Adrift. Resolution and Feed-
back should be at 9 o’clock. Turn Sensors up to 2. You will now hear the pitch shifted 2nd delay
line. Turn Sensors up to 3. You will now begin to hear the pitch shifted 3rd delay line, which is 2
octaves up from the original. Same goes for setting Sensors to 4. Turn up feedback to hear the
additional outputs better if needed!
Adrift Mode Visualization