Functions: The Knobs
9. Depth
Depth is the complementary knob to Chroma, and controls the amount of the chosen Chroma
effect applied to the feedback path.
When Depth is fully CCW, the Chroma effect is off, and will not be applied to the buffer. When
Depth is fully CW, the maximum amount of the effect is applied to the active delay line. The only
exception to this knob range is the variable bit-crusher, which is a fixed set of random amounts of
lo-fi, bit-crushed, and sample rate-reduced settings.
Depth amount is indicated by the Kelp LEDs, as more Depth is applied to the Chroma effect, The
Kelp LEDs slowly change into the Chroma effect color.
Functions: The Buttons
10. Freeze
Freeze locks the current delay time buffer, and will hold it until released. While frozen, the wet
signal acts as a beat repeat machine, letting you change the Resolution of the frozen buffer to
create new interesting rhythms out of the delays, all while staying perfectly synced with the clock
The frozen buffer length is determined by both the clock signal, and the Resolution rate at the
time for freezing the buffer, and has a maximum length of 10s.
Freeze Gate input threshold: 0.4V
Depth CV input range: -5V to +5V
Depth at 50%
Depth at 0%
Depth at 100%