User & Service Manual
Natus Quantum Amplifier
The charge level of the external battery pack is shown on the battery:
Provided that the internal temperature of the breakout is not too high, the internal battery is automatically
recharged when the external battery is connected or when the breakout is reconnected to the Base unit.
Because the Natus Base unit and NeuroWorks do not provide the exact charge level and autonomy of the
internal battery, the user will be only notified of the following battery status indications via LCD Base and
Internal battery charge indications
Internal battery charge status
[ + ]
[ CH ]
[ -- ]
Battery charge not available
Refer to the NeuroWorks User manual for details on how to display indications on internal battery
charge and available memory in the NeuroWorks status bar or in the Heads-Up window.
If the main sampling rate is set to 256Hz, ambulatory data will also be stored in 256Hz.
A new fully charged extrernal battery pack allows for an approcumately 6 hours ambulatory
recording with 256 channels (2 breakout boxes).
If the battery level of external and internal battery is critical, the Quantum breakouts will
automatically stop recording and power down. Reconnecting a charged battery pack will resume
the recording.
Natus does not recommend replacing the internal battery during a study. If for
any reason the internal battery is replaced while the breakout is connected to the Base
unit, the recording will continue without data loss. Replacing the internal battery in
ambulatory mode will cause the breakouts to shut down.
Wile recording in ambulatory mode, the LED’s on both breakouts will be blinking. Refer to section
in this manual for more information.