VIII. Equipment Check
3i Newborn Hearing Screener IFU 024913 RevD Revision Date 08/05/2020
Technical Verification using ALGO Check Kit
When required, insert the ATA transducers and sensor clips into the ALGO Check Kit as shown
above. Make sure each clip is completely inserted!
Perform each of the equipment checks as described:
Impedance Check: Connect all three sensor clips into the Check Kit.
From MainMenu, select “DeviceSetup” then “Equipment Check”, then Impedance Check. The
ALGO 3i screener will display the current impedance levels being measured. To confirm the
function of the preamp cable:
1. Disconnect all three clips. The display should read:
“Check EACH Sensor, Vertex Impedance > 99 kOhms,
Nape Impedance > 99 kOhms”
2. Re-attach all three clips. The display should read:
“Sensors OK, Vertex Impedance = 0 kOhms,
Nape Impedance = 0 kOhms”
Now you will detach one clip at a time, while leaving the other two attached, to confirm the
function of each clip:
3. Detach only the Nape (white) clip. The display should read:
“Check NAPE Sensor, Vertex Impedance = 0 kOhms,
Nape Impedance > 99 kOhms”
4. Detach only the Vertex (black) clip. The display should read:
“Check VERTEX Sensor, Vertex Impedance > 99 kOhms,
Nape Impedance = 0 kOhms”
5. Detach only the Common (green) clip. The display should read:
“Check EACH Sensor, Vertex Impedance > 99 kOhms,
Nape Impedance > 99 kOhms”
If there is a discrepancy between the ALGO 3i screener impedance measurements and the values
listed above, contact Natus Technical Service or your authorized service representative.
Acoustic Check: Connect ATA transducers into the Check Kit.
From MainMenu, select “DeviceSetup”, then “Equipment Check”, then “Acoustic Check”. Make
sure the ALGO Check Kit is on a flat surface.
The display should indicate PASS for both Left and Right.
To prevent inaccurate results, do not touch the acoustic transducers or the check kit during the
Acoustic Check.
PASS means that the ATA3i cable is functioning properly. It does NOT indicate calibration status.
FAIL means that one or both sides of the cable may be malfunctioning, and Natus technical
service or your authorized service representative must be contacted prior to using the cable for
hearing screening.
Artifact Check: Connect only the sensor clips into the Check Kit.
Place the ATA3i cable out of the way.
From MainMenu, select “DeviceSetup”, then “Equipment Check”, then “Artifact Check”.
Observe the display for at least 60 seconds before reading a result.