Getting Started with Your PCI/PXI-6810 SDA
© National Instruments Corporation
output pin—a counter output pin where the counter can generate
various TTL pulse waveforms
output settling time
the amount of time required for the analog output voltage to reach its
final value within specified limits
output slew rate
the maximum rate of change of analog output voltage from one level to
pattern generation
a type of handshaked (latched) digital I/O in which internal counters
generate the handshaked signal, which in turn initiates a digital transfer.
Because counters output digital pulses at a constant rate, this means you
can generate and retrieve patterns at a constant rate because the
handshaked signal is produced at a constant rate.
PC Card
a credit-card-sized expansion card that fits in a PCMCIA slot, often
referred to as a PCMCIA card
Peripheral Component Interconnect—a high-performance expansion
bus architecture originally developed by Intel to replace ISA and EISA.
It is achieving widespread acceptance as a standard for PCs and
work-stations; it offers a theoretical maximum transfer rate of 132
is a custom ASIC designed by National Instruments that implements the
PCI bus interface. The PCI-MITE supports bus mastering for high
speed data transfers over the PCI bus. It is also used in PXI cards.
an expansion bus architecture that has found widespread acceptance as
a de facto standard in notebook-size computers. It originated as a
specification for add-on memory cards written by the Personal
Computer Memory Card International Association.
a high-performance processor structure in which the completion of an
instruction is broken into its elements so that several elements can be
processed simultaneously from different instructions
Plug and Play devices
devices that do not require DIP switches or jumpers to configure
resources on the devices—also called switchless devices