About This Manual
National Instruments Corporation
this help file in Visual Studio. NET, select
Measurement Studio»
NI Measurement Studio Help
To create an application in Visual C++, Visual C#, or Visual Basic .NET,
follow these general steps:
In Visual Studio .NET, select
to launch the New
Project dialog box.
Find the Measurement Studio folder for the language you want to
create a program in.
Choose a project type. You add DAQ tasks as a part of this step.
Measurement Studio Reference
contains the Traditional NI-DAQ
(Legacy) API overview, measurement concepts, and function reference. In
Visual Studio .NET, select
Measurement Studio»Measurement Studio
ANSI C without NI Application Software
The Traditional NI-DAQ (Legacy) User Manual
and the
NI-DAQmx Help
contain API overviews. The NI-DAQmx Help also contains general
information about measurement concepts. Traditional NI-DAQ (Legacy)
Function Reference Help and NI-DAQmx C Reference Help describe the
C functions and attributes. Select
Start»All Programs»National
and the document title for the NI-DAQ API you are
.NET Languages without NI Application Software
With the Microsoft .NET Framework version 1.1 or later, you can use
NI-DAQmx to create applications using Visual C# and Visual Basic .NET
without Measurement Studio. You need Microsoft Visual Studio
.NET 2003 or Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 for the API documentation
to be installed.
The installed documentation contains the NI-DAQmx API overview,
measurement tasks and concepts, and function reference. This help is fully
integrated into the Visual Studio .NET documentation. To view the
NI-DAQmx .NET documentation, go to
Instruments»NI-DAQ»NI-DAQmx .NET Reference Help
. Expand
NI Measurement Studio Help»NI Measurement Studio .NET Class
to view the function reference. Expand
Measurement Studio Help»NI Measurement Studio .NET Class
Library»Using the Measurement Studio .NET Class Libraries
to view