NI High-Speed Digitizers Getting Started Guide
(USB devices)
When you first install an NI USB-5132/5133, Windows will recognize a new
device. Click
on any dialog boxes that appear to complete the installation.
After Windows recognizes newly installed device, a dialog box prompts you to select from the following
options, which may vary depending on the devices and software installed on your system:
Begin a Measurement with This Device Using NI LabVIEW SignalExpress
opens LabVIEW
Use This Device Interactively
launches the NI-SCOPE Soft Front Panel (SFP).
Begin an Application with This Device
launches LabVIEW.
Configure and Test This Device
opens MAX to your device so you can configure settings.
Take No Action
leaves your device in the system but does not launch an application.
6. Configuring and Testing in MAX
Launch MAX by double-clicking the
Measurement & Automation
icon on the desktop.
When you configure your device in MAX, remember that all SMC-based devices and USB
devices are configured under NI-DAQmx, and are referred to in MAX as
NI-DAQmx Devices
Legacy devices are configured in MAX under
Traditional NI-DAQ (Legacy) Devices
. However,
after you configure these devices in MAX, you use NI-SCOPE to program them.
Figure 9 shows the MAX Configuration Tree, which lists both NI-DAQmx Devices and Traditional
NI-DAQ (Legacy) Devices.
Figure 9.
MAX Configuration Tree
Devices and Interfaces
to see the list of installed devices. If you are using a digitizer with
the LabVIEW Real-Time Module, expand
Remote Systems
. Find your target IP address or name,
expand it, and then expand
Devices and Interfaces
If your device is not listed, press <F5> to refresh. If the device is still not listed, repeat the steps in
. For more information about using MAX, refer to the help files
available within MAX.