RM information queries
A24MemMap?, 3-15
A32MemMap?, 3-16
Cmdr?, 3-17
CmdrTable?, 3-18
Laddrs?, 3-19
NumLaddrs?, 3-19
RmEntry?, 3-20
Srvnts?, 3-22
StatusState?, 3-23
RmEntry? query, 3-20
RREG? query, 3-41
RS-232 connector, D-1
RS-232 port
risk of damage to GPIB-VXI/C, D-2
SaddrLa? query, 3-47
Saddrs? query, 3-48
SaDisCon command, 3-48
self-test operation, 2-16
sending 16-bit command or query to
sending 16-bit query to message-based
sending Begin Normal Operation command to
sending device-dependent command string to
sending Read Protocol Error query to
serial port settings, 2-1
Servant area size
Set device’s Service Request Enable register
setting A24 base address for 852 adapter, B-12
setting Event Status Enable register bits, 3-55
SetTrigHndlr command, 3-74
shared memory
Offset Register, 2-5
switch settings (table), 2-5
Slot 0 Message-based device configuration
CLK10 routing options (table), 2-24
switch and jumper settings (table), 2-23
Slot 0 Resource Manager configuration
assigning GPIB addresses, 2-19
CLK10 routing options (table), 2-15
dynamic configuration operation, 2-18
front panel LED indications, 2-15
operation, 2-15
Resource Manager operation
self-test operation, 2-16
static configuration operation, 2-18
switch and jumper settings (table), 2-14
system configuration table, 2-20
soft-resetting a device, 3-40
software drivers, G-1
sourcing specified protocol on trigger
cooling requirements, C-2
CPU, C-1
coprocessor, C-1
microprocessor, C-1
EMI, C-2
IEEE-488 capability codes, C-2
VXIbus, C-3
VXIbus master/slave, C-3
operating environment, C-2
physical, C-1