National Instruments Corporation
screw terminal assignments (figure), 3-1
Set_DAQ_Device_Info function (note), 2-5
signal connections, 3-1 to 3-15
cable assembly connectors, 3-4 to 3-6
overview, 3-4
pin assignments
pins 1 through 50 (figure), 3-5
pins 51 through 100 (figure), 3-6
digital I/O signal connections, 3-7
digital I/O state selection, 3-9 to 3-11
floating DIO state, 3-11
high DIO state, 3-9 to 3-10
low DIO state, 3-10 to 3-11
exceeding maximum ratings (note), 3-1
I/O connector pin description
pin assignments (figure), 3-2
Port C pin assignments, 3-4
signal connection descriptions
(table), 3-3
power connections, 3-8
screw terminal assignments (figure), 3-1
timing specifications, 3-11 to 3-15
mode 1 input timing (figure), 3-13
mode 1 output timing (figure), 3-14
mode 2 bidirectional timing
(figure), 3-15
signal descriptions (table), 3-12
software installation, 2-1
software programming choices, 1-2 to 1-5
National Instruments application
software, 1-3
NI-DAQ driver software, 1-4 to 1-5
specifications, A-1 to A-2
digital I/O, A-1 to A-2
environment, A-2
physical, A-2
power requirements, A-2
SSR-OAC-5 and SSR-OAC-5A output
modules, driving (note), 1-2
STB* signal
description (table), 3-12
mode 1 input timing (figure), 3-13
mode 2 bidirectional timing (figure), 3-15
suspend mode, 2-4 to 2-5
technical support, D-1 to D-2
telephone and fax support numbers, D-2
theory of operation, 4-1 to 4-3
82C55A Programmable Peripheral
Interface, 4-2
block diagram of DAQPad-6507/6508
devices, 4-1
digital I/O connector, 4-3
interrupt control circuitry, 4-2
USB microcontroller, 4-2
timing specifications, 3-11 to 3-15
mode 1 input timing (figure), 3-13
mode 1 output timing (figure), 3-14
mode 2 bidirectional timing (figure), 3-15
signal descriptions (table), 3-12
troubleshooting. See questions and answers.
turning off DAQPad-6507/6508 devices, 2-5
unpacking DAQPad-6507/6508 devices, 1-6
USB cable
power connections between DAQPad
device and USB hub (figure), 2-2
power supply to DAQPad-6507/6508
devices, 2-4
USB microcontroller
common questions, C-1
description, 4-2
VirtualBench software, 1-3