Components and Assembly
Blade Setting
Proper blade size and placement, depending on material and sub-floor type, af
fects performance.
For better results during difficult removal applications use a smaller blade.
• Start with a narrow blade, then increase blade size to optimize cutting pass. Nar-
rower blades work easier than wider blades and usually clean the floor better.
Wider is not always better or faster.
• Normally, bevel on blade is up for concrete (Figure 9); bevel down for wood (Figure
• Dull blades greatly affect the performance of the machine and reduce cutting ability,
sharpen or replace as needed.
• After removing a portion of material, clear the work area of debris. This will give the
machine maximum performance and help to keep the work area safe.
Rest feet on foot pegs while operating machine. Foot pegs are adjustable. Ensure secur-
ing knob is tightened.
When the machine is in storage, disconnect the blue plug (Figure 10) and turn circuit
breaker to “OFF” (Figure 11).
FIG. 9
FIG. 9.1
Bevel Up
Bevel Down
FIG. 10
48 Volt
Blue Plugs
FIG. 11