Naterial AYAMO 2024R09P01-0009 Instruction Manual Download Page 54

The warranty covers the following manufacturing defects: 

Missing parts and components, damage occurring under normal conditions of use. Repairs and replacements of parts do not extend 
the original warranty period. The warranty does not cover problems or incidents resulting from improper use of the product. The 
product warranty is limited to the value of the product. 

Warranty Exclusions: 

Failure to follow installation recommendations and damage caused during its assembly. 
Colour fading and stains resulting from failure to follow maintenance instructions. 
Damage resulting from non-compliance with maintenance instructions that may lead to the product being unusable. 
Changes in appearance due to the aging of the product are not covered. 
When opening the package, the marks of cutters and staples as well as marks due to direct contact between the surface of the table and the floor.   
(Please protect your product with a cardboard box!). 
If you have a problem with your product, please contact your store's garden department manager. Keep your invoice or receipt: these documents will be 
required for the processing of your claims. We thank you for your trust and hope that your expectations will be fully met while using our product. It is 
important for us to know your opinion on the product, in order to continuously improve it to better meet your needs.

ADEO Services - 135 rue Sadi Carnot CS 00001 - 59790 RONCHIN - France


Machine wash cushion covers if they are separable from the cushions. Most of the cushions offered on NATERIAL products are 

removable covers. If not, a wet sponge and upholstery shampoo will help remove stubborn stains. For fabrics on sun sheltering 

products, a wet sponge and upholstery shampoo will help remove stubborn stains. Strictly follow the cleaning recommendations on 

the labels of textile products.


In case of prolonged non-use or bad weather, it is recommended to store your product in a dry place or to use a suitable cover to protect your product.

The cushions and fabric parts of NATERIAL products should be removed when not in use for long periods of time. Brush the cushions regularly to remove 

dust. Be sure to store them in a dry, ventilated area to prevent the development of mould or odours.


For better stability and for your safety, tighten the screws once again around two weeks after setup. 


Tighten the screws also at least once a year for a long-lasting maintenance.

Let's not throw away! Let's repair! Repairing a product is a quick and easy way to significantly increase its lifespan and avoid throwing it away. At 

Naterial, we actively work to facilitate the repair of our products and offer the right spare parts for each product we sell. The service department at your 

point of sale has a list of spare parts available for that product. In case of a defective or broken part, we invite you to contact the after-sales service of 

your point of sale.

In order to protect the environment, cardboard packaging and products at the end of their life cycle must be dropped off at a waste collection 

organization for sorting, processing and a new life. Find all the collection points near you or on

NATERIAL products are designed to meet the highest quality standards for products intended for the consumer market. The sales guarantee starts from 
the date of purchase for the defined period. The products are strictly for home use. 






Summary of Contents for AYAMO 2024R09P01-0009

Page 1: ...inales Tradu odasInstru esoriginais Traduzionedelleistruzionioriginali T umaczenieinstrukcjioryginalnej Traducereainstruc iunilororiginale Tradu odasInstru esoriginais Originalversionofinstructionmanu...

Page 2: ......

Page 3: ...395kg...

Page 4: ...ation Sileproduitdoit treassembl parvos soins assurez vousquetousles l mentsn cessaires l installationduproduitsontfournisaumomento vousouvrezl emballage Sileproduitest endommag oupr sentedesd fauts n...

Page 5: ...trairement au rotin naturel Les fibres sont tress es sur une structure m tallique en acier ou en aluminium selon le produit Les fibres de rotin synth tiques sont souples et solides r sistantes et tota...

Page 6: ...Pourunemeilleurestabilit etpourvotres curit resserrezlesvisenvirondeuxsemainesapr slemontage Reserrez galementleproduitaumoinsunefoisparanpourunentretiendurable Evitonsdejeter R parons Lar parationd...

Page 7: ...ignesd entretienpouvantentrainerjusqu l inutilisationduproduit Leschangementsd aspectd auvieillissementduproduitnesontpasprisencharge Lorsdel ouverturedel emballage lestracesdecutteretd agrafesainsiqu...

Page 8: ...quierutilizaci n Sielproducto debeserensambladoporusted compruebequesehanproporcionadotodosloselementosnecesariosparalainstalaci ndelproductoalabrirelembalaje Sielproductoest da adoopresentadefectosno...

Page 9: agresiones externas a diferencia del rat n natural es muy resistente a la humedad y a los rayos UV Las fibras son trenzadas sobre una estructura met lica de aceroodealuminio seg nelproducto Lasfibr...

Page 10: ...abilidadyparasuseguridad vuelvaaapretarlostornillosdespu sdeunasdossemanasdehaberrealizado elmontaje Vuelvaaapretartambi nelproductoalmenosunavezala oparaunmantenimientoduradero Evitemostirar Arreglem...

Page 11: ...delasinstruccionesdemantenimientoquepuedansuponerinclusolainutilizaci ndelproducto Loscambiosdeaspectodebidosalenvejecimientodelproductonoest ncubiertos Al abrir el embalaje las marcas de c ter y de g...

Page 12: ...erdesermontado aoabriropacote certifique sedequetodososelementosnecess riosparaamontagemdoprodutoforamfornecidos Seoprodutoestiverdanificado outiverdefeitos n ooutilizeedevolva o lojamaispr xima Acons...

Page 13: ...o resistente humidadeeaosraiosUV aocontr riodorattannatural Asfibrass otecidassobreumaestruturamet lica dea ooualum nio dependendo doproduto Asfibrasderattansint ticos oflex veises lidas resistenteset...

Page 14: ...eseguran a apertedenovoosparafusosumaouduassemanasap samontagem Apertedenovoosparafusospelomenosumavezporanoparaumamanuten oduradoura Evitemosdeitarfora Vamosreparar Arepara odeumproduto ummeiosimples...

Page 15: ...odoproduto Asaltera esnaapar nciadoprodutodevidasaoseuenvelhecimenton os osuportadas Aquandodaaberturadaembalagem asmarcasdexis atoeagrafos bemcomoasmarcascausadaspelocontactodiretoentreasuperf cieda...

Page 16: ...odeveesseremontatodavoi assicuratevi chetuttiglielementinecessariall installazionedelprodottosianopresentialmomentoincuiapriteilpacco Seilprodottodovesseesseredanneggiato odovessepresentaredeidifetti...

Page 17: ...eall umidit eairaggiUV adifferenzadelrattannaturale Lefibresonotessutesuunastrutturametallica acciaiooalluminio aseconda del prodotto Le fibre sintetiche di rattan sono morbide e forti resistenti e co...

Page 18: ...ezza ristringerelevitidopopi omenoduesettimanedalmontaggio Perunamanutenzioneefficace procederealserraggiodellevitidelprodottoalmenounavoltal anno Evitiamodigettarvia Ripariamo Riparareunprodotto unmo...

Page 19: ...utilizzabile Icambiamentidiaspettodovutiall invecchiamentodelprodottononsonocoperti Quandosiaprel imballaggio letracceditaglierineepuntimetallici cos comeisegnicausatidalcontattodirettotralasuperficie...

Page 20: ...EL 20 1 2...

Page 21: ...21 rattan rattan NATERIAL 100 rattan rattan rattan NATERIAL rattan 395kg 4 3 EL...

Page 22: ...22 NATERIAL NATERIAL Naterial 7 5 6 EL...

Page 23: ...23 NATERIAL ADEOServices 135rueSadiCarnotCS00001 59790RONCHIN 8 EL...

Page 24: ...stkie rubys mocnodokr cone Je liproduktwymagamonta unale y upewni si ewszystkieelementyniezb dnedojegoinstalacjizosta ydostarczonewopakowaniu Je liproduktjestuszkodzonylubwadliwy nie nale ygou ywa izw...

Page 25: ...oichw a ciwo ciizosta zaprojektowanytak abyby odpornynadzia anieczynnik wzewn trznych jestbardzoodpornyna wilgo ipromienieUV wprzeciwie stwiedorattanunaturalnego W knaoplatasi nakonstrukcjimetalowej s...

Page 26: ...stwo nale ydokr ci rubyoko odw chtygodnipomonta u Dokr ca rubyconajmniejrazwrokuwramachd ugotrwa ejkonserwacji Niewyrzucajmy Naprawiajmy Naprawaproduktujestszybkimi atwymsposobemnaznacznewyd u enieje...

Page 27: ...remog doprowadzi dotego eproduktnieb dzienadawa si dou ytku Zmianywwygl dziespowodowanestarzeniemsi produktunies obj tegwarancj ladyno aizszywekpowsta epodczasotwieraniaopakowa jakr wnie rysypowsta ez...

Page 28: ...RU 28 1 2...

Page 29: ...29 NATERIAL NATERIAL 3 4 395kg RU...

Page 30: ...30 NATERIAL NATERIAL Naterial 7 5 6 RU...

Page 31: ...31 NATERIAL ADEOServices 135rueSadiCarnotCS00001 59790RONCHIN 8 RU...

Page 32: ...KZ 32 1 2...

Page 33: ...33 NATERIAL NATERIAL 3 4 395kg KZ...

Page 34: ...34 NATERIAL NATERIAL Naterial NATERIAL 7 5 6 8 KZ...

Page 35: ...35 ADEOServices 135rueSadiCarnotCS00001 59790RONCHIN KZ...

Page 36: ...UA 36 1 2...

Page 37: ...37 NATERIAL 100 NATERIAL 3 4 395kg UA...

Page 38: ...38 NATERIAL NATERIAL Naterial NATERIAL 7 5 6 8 UA...

Page 39: ...39 ADEOServices 135rueSadiCarnotCS00001 59790RONCHIN UA...

Page 40: Dac produsultrebuieasamblatdedumneavoastr asigura i v c toateelementelenecesareinstal riiprodusuluisuntfurnizate nmomentul ncaredeschide iambalajul Dac produsulestedeteriorat sauprezint defecte nu...

Page 41: ...bineumiditatea irazeleUV spredeosebirederatanulnatural Fibrelesunt mpletitepeostructur metalic din o elsaualuminiu nfunc iedeprodus Fibreledinratansinteticsuntflexibile isolide rezistente itotalimputr...

Page 42: ...dumneavoastr str nge i uruburileladou s pt m nidelamontare Str nge idinnouprodusulcelpu inodat pe anpentruo ntre ineredurabil S evit maruncarea S repar m Reparareaunuiprodusesteunmijlocsimplu irapidpe...

Page 43: ...ic riledeaspectdatorate mb tr niriiprodusuluinusuntacoperite n momentul deschiderii ambalajului urmele de cuttere i de capse precum i urmele datorate unui contact direct dintre suprafa a mesei i solul...

Page 44: ...montadoporvoc certifique se aoabriropacotequetodosositensnecess riosparainstalaroprodutoforamfornecidos Seoprodutoestiverdanificadooutiverdefeitos n oousee devolva onalojamaispr xima Recomendamosusara...

Page 45: ...umidadeeaosraiosUV aocontr riodorattannatural Asfibrass otran adasemumaestruturamet lica dea ooudealum nio dependendodo produto Asfibrasderattansint ticos oflex veises lidas resistentesetotalmente pr...

Page 46: ...adamenteduassemanasap sainstala o Tamb maperte oprodutopelomenosumavezporanoparamanuten oalongoprazo Evite jogar fora Vamos reparar Reparar um produto uma maneira r pida e f cil de aumentar significat...

Page 47: ...ultarmesmonainutiliza odoproduto Altera esdeapar nciadevidoaoenvelhecimentodoproduton os osuportadas Aoabriraembalagem vest giosdecortadoregrampos bemcomomarcasdevidoaocontatodiretoentreasuperf ciedam...

Page 48: ...HE 48 1 2...

Page 49: ...49 NATERIAL 100 NATERIAL 3 4 395kg HE...


Page 51: ...51 NATERIAL ADEOServices 135rueSadiCarnotCS00001 59790RONCHIN France 8 HE...

Page 52: ...oreusingit Iftheproductrequiresthatyouassembleit please makesureuponopeningthepackagethatalltheelementsneededforsettinguptheproducthavebeenprovided Iftheproductisdamagedorhasdefects donotuseitandtakei...

Page 53: ...humidity and UV unlike natural rattan The fibres are woven on a metal structure steel or aluminium depending on the product Syntheticrattanfibresareflexibleandstrong resistantandtotallyrot proof i e t...

Page 54: ...tersetup Tightenthescrewsalsoatleastonceayearforalong lastingmaintenance Let s not throw away Let s repair Repairing a product is a quick and easy way to significantly increase its lifespan and avoid...

Page 55: ...ewithmaintenanceinstructionsthatmayleadtotheproductbeingunusable Changesinappearanceduetotheagingoftheproductarenotcovered When opening the package the marks of cutters and staples as well as marks du...

Page 56: ...duction month year MM YYYY Thisproductisrecyclable Ifitcannotbeusedanymore pleasetakeittowasterecyclingcentre EN HE Esteproduto recicl vel Sen opudermaisserusado descarteemumcentrodereciclagemderes du...
