Processing of honey
Processing of honey
Preparing the machine for filling
Fig. 25: Heating of
hose and pipe bend
Assemble of the hose using a bent pipe
- put the hose clamp onto the priming hose
- dip the end of the hose and the bent pipe into hot water
(approx. 80-95 °C / 176-203 °F) (see
Fig. 25
- after assembly immediatly pull the hose clamp tight,
making sure that the hose does not get damaged
There is a
risk of scalding
when using hot
Assembly the check valve to the hose
Fig. 26
Fig. 27
- ensures that the honey does not flow back out of the hose
- ensures that the opening does not adhere to the container
bottom, position
- fix the check valve with the hose clamp (see
Priming of honey
- before assembly of the upper bent pipe, pour approx. 2 tablespoons of honey
into the pump head, position (
- this way the pump head becomes sealed and coated and able to draw the air
out of the hose
When set up in the way described above, the machine is in position to fill
honey into jars, to a priming height of 1.5 m and without air bubbles.
Fig. 26: Check valve
(Art. 306038)
After disassembly for cleaning, the check valve is
reassembled as follows (see
Fig. 26
- the rough side of the membrane must
point towards the hose
- Tighten the wing screws similarly
hand-tight, otherwise the membrane
is squeezed and won't seal properly