Basic Ready-or-Not Tot
Used to Teach Many Parenting Concepts:
• How to quiet and comfort a real baby.
• How a baby should be held and diapered
• A baby’s needs can be costly.
• What it takes to be a good parent.
• Babies cry for many reasons.
• Babies require constant care and attention.
• A baby means lifestyle changes that can cause loneliness, isolation, and affect friendships and
family relations.
• Day care and babysitting are a normal part of parenting, but not always available or affordable.
Parenting is work! It requires a great deal of time and energy. The
demands of caring for a baby keep a parent on duty 24 hours a
day, seven days a week. Though the responsibilities of parenting
are great, there are many rewards as well. The Ready-or-Not Tot
Manikin is the first interactive parenting manikin to simulate both the
negative and positive aspects of caring for a baby!
Basic Ready-or-Not Tot
teaches students how demanding babies can
be throughout the day and night. The manikin cries at random intervals,
requiring action from the student parent in order to quiet the manikin.
This “baby” is an excellent replacement for the “egg baby,” “flour sack
baby,” and the “plant baby,” since it requires action during the middle of
the night. Simpler to use than the full-featured manikins, Basic Ready-or-Not
provides an easy method to give students the opportunity to experience
the ongoing demands of parenting.
Basic Ready-or-Not Tot
is also a great way to teach proper baby handling
and care. The manikin is 20" long and has newborn features. Students can
practice diapering, dressing, and holding a baby. It is important that you
thoroughly understand this instruction book before presenting Ready-or-Not
to your students. We recommend that the instructor practice with the
manikin to become familiar with its operations.
NOTE: The Ready-or-Not Tot
is an educational tool and not a toy. It is
intended for use by children over 12 years of age.
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Ready-Or-Not-Tot Basic • WA32125 • enasco.com/fcs