Parenting is Forever…
Having a baby and being a parent is a wonderful thing. We do not discourage
that. The issue is at what point in your life do you want to become a parent?
How would having a baby now affect your short and long term goals? How does
becoming a teen parent alter your opportunities for furthering your education
and fulfilling your career dreams? What about your social and emotional life?
Would the time commitment involved in caring for a child change your growth
and development as a person and affect your friendships? Do you want to be
connected to your current partner for the rest of your life? What does it cost to
care for a child during the first year? For 18 years? How would you support a
child? A parenting simulation raises all these questions and more.
No matter what the educational philosophy of your program (abstinence only
or educating teens to prepare for safe sex), the Nasco teen pregnancy simula-
tors will be of great assistance. These hands-on tools help teens experience the
frustration and appreciate the patience required when caring for an infant. What-
ever your budget, we offer a full range of simulators to help bring your program
to life.
Ready-or-Not Tot
Tending Log
Name _________________________________
Teacher _________________________________
Class _________________________________
Date __________________ Page _________
What was I doing?
How was I feeling at the time?
2:30 pm
1st cry
Taking a math test.
I needed to concentrate on test.
6:30 pm
240 minutes
Just finished dinner.
I got out of dishes; it’s fun.
9:30 pm
180 minutes
Frustrated. I need to sleep. Be quiet baby.
Enter your times and information below:
1st cry
*Each tending period lasts approximately 10 minutes and starts and stops with a cry. Record the time of the first cry only.
Other Comments (continue on back if more space is needed):
NP 068_97_Basic/RV1_14.indd 2
1/8/14 3:28 PM
Ready-Or-Not-Tot Basic • WA32125 • enasco.com/fcs