Before use and arranging the stones, the sauna heater must be heated to remove
the protective agents. 1-2 fireboxes of wood are sufficient for preheating. During
preheating, ensure that there is plenty of ventilation in the sauna to allow the
combustion gases from protective agents to escape. Preheating can also be
done outdoors. After preheating and before arranging the stones remove loose
material from the stone basket. Use a steel brush for example.
We recommend that you use KOTA olive dolerite stones. Arrange the stones so
that bigger stones are in the bottom of the stone basket. Do not heap stones too
tightly because air must circulate between the stones. KOTA sauna heater stones
have been prewashed and can be placed directly on the sauna heater. We do
not recommend using light stones. Fresh water must be used as steam water.
Seawater considerably shortens the service life of your sauna heater.
Both hardwood and softwood can be used in the NARVI sauna heater. Fell and
cut trees into firewood outside of the growing season. Dry the firewood outdoors
in summer and move it to a dry store before autumn rain. Store one or two years’
supply of firewood in surroundings where the moisture is < 20 %. Do not burn
chipboards, plastic, impregnated wood and waste in the firebox.
Before heating the sauna heater, the grate must always be cleaned and the ash
pan must be emptied. Start by lightning a small quantity of wood on the upper
surface of the wood. When the wood is burning properly add more wood to 2/3
of the height of the firebox. To burn properly wood needs air. Use the draught
regulator to adjust the amount of air. Avoid heating the sauna stove so that the
channels of the stone basket glow red for a long time because this will overload
the firebox and the service life of the sauna stove will be reduced! The water tank
must be filled every time the stove is heated. After your sauna leave a little fire in
the sauna stove to dry the sauna.
Sweep the sauna heater through the soot hatches at least once a year to
maintain a proper draught. At the same time, check the condition of the sauna
stove stones and replace any warn-out stones.
The stove is quaranteed for twelve (12) months. The warranty period starts from
the moment that the goods are delivered to the end user. The supplier is not
liable in any way for defects within the framework of the warranty or other defects
that appear later than two (2) years after the delivery of the goods to the client.
The supplier may decide to either repair defective goods or replace the defective
goods at its discretion. The warranty does not cover possible transport,
unloading or installation costs or other corresponding costs
The client must check the goods immediately after delivery. The client must
submit a written notice of claims to the supplier within two (2) weeks of
discovering the defect or the moment when the defect should have been
EuraPrint 08/2011