About this manual
The ESM-30 “RadMan XT” differs from the
ESM-20 “RadMan” in that it is equipped with a
data recorder. Where both instruments are
meant, the term ESM “RadMan” is used.
Information that only applies to the ESM-30
“RadMan XT” is prefaced by “ESM-30 only”.
Early warning is required wherever humans
are likely to be directly threatened by the
presence of strong electromagnetic fields.
Antenna and radar equipment and machines
which use strong electromagnetic fields to
heat, weld or bond materials are typical
sources of dangerous electromagnetic fields.
The ESM “RadMan” is a small, handy test and
warning instrument which provides safe and
timely warning of electromagnetic fields in
these areas of application.
ESM “RadMan” measures according to the
usual standards covering exposure to
electromagnetic radiation.
Application and use
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