W415-2355 / A / 12.09.20
venting installation
4.2 vertical installation
This application occurs when venting through a roof. Installation kits for
various roof pitches are available from your authorized dealer / distributor.
See the “accessories” section to order specifi c kits required.
A. Determine the air terminal location, cut and frame a square opening,
as illustrated, in the ceiling and the roof to provide the minimum 1"
(25mm) clearance between the vent pipe and any combustible material.
Try to center the vent pipe location midway between two joists to
prevent having to cut them. Use a plumb bob to line up the center of
the openings. A vent pipe shield will prevent any materials such as
insulation, from fi lling up the 1" (25mm) air space around the pipe. Nail
headers between the joist for extra support.
B. Apply a bead of caulking (not supplied) to the framework or to the
Wolf Steel vent pipe shield plate or equivalent (in the case of a fi nished
ceiling), and secure over the opening in the ceiling. A fi restop must be
placed on the bottom of each framed opening in a roof or ceiling that
the venting system passes through. Apply a bead of caulking all around
and place a fi restop spacer over the vent shield to restrict cold air from
being drawn into the room or around the fi replace. Ensure that both
spacer and shield maintain the required clearance to combustibles.
Once the vent pipe is installed in its fi nal position, apply red RTV
silicone (W573-0002) (not supplied) between the pipe and the fi restop
C. In the attic, slide the vent pipe collar down to cover up the open end
of the shield and tighten. This will prevent any materials, such as
insulation, from fi lling up the 1" (25mm) air space around the pipe.
Vent Pipe
of joist
Where the venting passes vertically through a wall you use
use a Wolf Steel fi restop for all rigid and
fl ex vent systems. The gap between the outside diameter of the vent and the fi restop
be completely
sealed with high temperature RTV.
For 4”/7” appliances:
When using fl ex venting, use fi restop assembly W500-0292 (not supplied).
When using rigid venting, use fi restop assembly 4DFS (not supplied).
For 5”/8” appliances:
When using fl ex venting, use fi restop assembly W500-0028 (not supplied).
When using rigid venting, use fi restop assembly 5DFS (not supplied).