Rev. 08/04/10
Model # 791-7330
22/35 Ton CapaCiTy
TruCk jaCk
owner/User responsibility
The owner and/or user must have an understanding
of the man u fac tur er’s operating in struc tions and
warn ings be fore using this jack. Personnel involved in
the use and op er a tion of equip ment shall be careful,
com pe tent, trained, and qual i fied in the safe operation
of the equip ment and its proper use when servicing
motor vehicles and their com po nents. Warning
in for ma tion should be em pha sized and un der stood. If
the operator is not fluent in English, the man u fac tur er’s
in struc tions and warn ings shall be read to and dis cussed
with the op er a tor in the op er a tor’s native language
by the pur chas er/own er, mak ing sure the op er a tor
com pre hends its con tents.
Owner and/or user must study and maintain for future
ref er ence the manufacturer’s instructions. Owner and/or
user is responsible for keeping all warning labels and
instruction manuals legible and intact. Replacement
labels and literature are available from the
• Read, study, undeRstand and follow all instRuctions
befoRe opeRating this device. • inspect the jack befoRe each
use. do not use jack if damaged, alteRed, modified, in pooR
condition, leaking hydRaulic fluid, oR unstable due to
loose oR missing haRdwaRe oR paRts. make coRRections
befoRe using. • lifting device only. immediately afteR
lifting, suppoRt the vehicle with appRopRiate means. • lift
only on aReas of the vehicle as specified by the vehicle
manufactuReR. • centeR load on saddle. be suRe setup is
stable befoRe woRking on vehicle. • do not move oR dolly
the vechile while on the jack. • weaR eye pRotection that
meets ansi Z87.1 and osha standaRds. • do not use jack
beyond its Rated capacity. • use only on a haRd level
suRface. • adequately suppoRt the vehicle befoRe staRting
RepaiRs. • no alteRations shall be made to this device.
• do not use any adapteRs unless appRoved oR supplied
by napa. • always loweR the jack slowly and caRefully.
• failuRe to heed these maRkings may Result in seRious oR
fatal peRsonal injuRy and/oR pRopeRty damage.
this operating ManUal contains
iMportant safety inforMation.
read carefUlly and Understand all
inforMation before operating tool.
save this ManUal for fUtUre Use.
Capacity ..................................................22/35 ton
Low Height ....................................................8-1/2"
Maximum Height w/ extension screw ............19-3/4"
Power Lift ............................................................ 8"
Handle Length .............................................45-1/4"