MR76 77GHz MMW Radar User Manual
Hunan Nanoradar Science and Technology Co., Ltd
1. Introduction
1.1 Features
The MR76 77GHz millimeter-wave radar provides short--range and medium-range dual-beam scanning
coverage for obstacles up to 170 meters.
It supports the following features:
A. Simultaneous detection of stationary and moving objects with relative speeds from -200km/h to
a) Information on the distance, velocity and angle of the object.
b) Classification of moving objects such as trucks, cars and pedestrians.
B. Dual scan provides detections in far range (up to 170 m) and extended field of view (FoV) in short
range up to 90°(-16dB)
C. Up to 64 tracking targets can be output via the CAN interface.
D. Support the integration of radar with other devices (such as cameras), which needs to be developed
by customers.
1.2 Application examples
The MR76 77GHz millimeter wave radar is suitable for applications such as special vehicles collision
avoidance and automotive forward collision avoidance. Other atypical applications are as follows:
A. Distance Monitoring/Warning: Distance monitoring with warning message if the distance to the
preceding object is too close.
B. Detection and tracking of people, vehicles, animals and equipment for collision avoidance in
industrial, construction, agricultural and mining applications.
C. Monitoring of automated manufacturing processes.
D. Condition monitoring of industrial plants.
E. Traffic monitoring for traffic management and safety applications with ability to distinguish objects
on different lanes
F. Monitoring and protection of vehicle and pedestrians on railway and passenger crossing
The High Sensitivity and High Resolution of the sensor ensures a safe detection of preceding vehicles
and also allows detection of targets in front of the preceding vehicle (by underbody reflections) even if
the line of sight is covered.