XCD HR Motherboard
User Guide
Limited Warranty
DN XCDH458001-00, Revision C
One or more of the patents listed in the following table may apply to Nanomotion
5,453,653; 5,616,980; 5,714,833; 111597; 5,640,063; 6,247,338; 6,244,076;
,747,391; 6,661,153; 69838991.3; 6,384,515; 7,119,477; 7,075,211; 69932359.5;
1186063; 7,211,929; 69941195.5; 1577961; 4813708; 6,879,085; 6,979,936;
7,439,652; 7061158; 1800356; 1800356; 1800356; 2007-533057 (pending); 2011-
093431 (pending); 7,876,509; 10-2007-7009928 (pending); 200780019448.6;
7713361.9 (pending); 12/294,926 (pending); GB2008000004178 (pending);
GB2009000003796 (pending); 12/398,216 (pending); GB2446428;
12/517,261(pending); 08702695.1 (pending); 10-2009-7017629 (pending);
12/524,164 (pending); 12/581,194 (pending)