These are machines that were originally used in Crete, but today their use has spread all over Greece. They can replace the tradi onal “temples”(a tool
resembling a rake) where the oil is collected by racking.
There are several types. All of them have as a basic component a pole (some have two or three for simultaneous use by several workers) at the end of which
there is a rota ng cylinder with plas c ‘whips’ or other similar mechanism. The operator holding the pole brings the whip mechanism to the crown of the
fruit and, with con nuous movement, causes the branches to vibrate, resul ng in the fruit falling to the ground onto the nets.
Thus, these are olive harvesters that extract the fruit with vibratory mo on. These olive harvesters also diff er in their motors and in the transmission system
of the rota ng cylinder. The transmission is both mechanical and electrical.
The price of the machine is usually propor onal to its technical characteris cs. More expensive machines usually have adjustment and safety systems that
can render them, with proper handling, more effi
cient and less damaging to the trees.
Some types of olive harvesters can be connected to other machinery and accessories so that they can be used for other opera ons (pruning, spraying, etc.)
The vibra ng rods are smooth and made of materials which do not injure the bark. They are also so and do not break shoots or cause damage to eyes.
The automa c stop system protects against tangling. Adjustable speeds protect against leaf fall. The head, due to the patented vibratory and eccentric
mo on it generates, has a very high yield, causes negligible damage to the foliage of the tree and is suitable for all varie es of olive trees.
- Always keep the ven la on holes on the motor clean and unobstructed.
When the motor stops running, the possible causes are:
The carbon brushes.
The carbon brushes have a life me of about 800 hours of opera on of the
Olive Harves ng Machine,
then they must be replaced to
ensure the proper opera on of the machine. When they are worn out the motor will not work or will under-perform and must be checked or replaced by a
specialist qualifi ed technician or at the factory of the manufacturer. The carbon brushes are changed in pairs.
Short circuit.
Some wires have been cut and are shor ng out the motor. It is recommended to keep the cable coming out of the motor fi xed fi rmly at a length
of 20 cm by tying it up to avoid possible damage to the motor when the cable is shorted-circuited. If any wear is found on the external part of the cable, the
worn part can be removed and then it can be rea ached in the external wire clamp.
Overhea ng.
If the motor is much ho er than usual, it is overhea ng and the fault probably lies in the motor’s reducer or fan. In this case the machine must
be repaired by a specialist qualifi ed technician or by the manufacturer’s factory.
If the motor func ons properly but the head doesn’t vibrate, the possible cause is:
- The motor sha has possibly been removed from the transmission coupler located in the pipe due to loosening of the clamp and distance being created
between them. In this case, you may loosen the clamp, reinstall the motor correctly in the pipe and then ghten the clamp.
In case of slippage either in the motor or in the head in combina on with no revolu ons and noise, the possible cause is:
- Wear either in the transmission gears, in the motor reducer or in the head’s angle transmission. In this case, repairs must be performed either by a specialist
qualifi ed technician or by the manufacturer’s factory.
* The manufacturer reserves the right to make minor changes to product design and technical specifi ca ons without prior no ce unless these changes
signifi cantly aff ect the performance and safety of the products. The parts described / illustrated in the pages of the manual that you hold in your hands may
also concern other models of the manufacturer's product line with similar features and may not be included in the product you just acquired.
* To ensure the safety and reliability of the product and the warranty validity, all repair, inspec on, repair or replacement work, including maintenance and
special adjustments, must only be carried out by technicians of the authorized service department of the manufacturer.
* Always use the product with the supplied equipment. Opera on of the product with non-provided equipment may cause malfunc ons or even serious injury
or death. The manufacturer and the importer shall not be liable for injuries and damages resul ng from the use of non-conforming equipment.
ΝΖ1000 *
250 W
250 W
6,5 hp / thread sha
20 V
12 V
30 V
2,3 m
2,3 m
70 Α
2,8 kg
2,8 kg
Cable Length
14,5 m
14,5 m
Mo on
with wheels
200 kg/h
200 kg/h
heavy duty
Μagne Marelli
Magne Marelli
Named “Star”, vibra ng, urchin-
shaped p, made of carbon fi bre
Named “Star Plus”, vibra ng,
urchin-shaped p, made of carbon
fi bre
Func on
connec on with up to 4
olive harvester rods.
*accompanied with a diff erent instruc ons manual