• Never sail above your ability.
• Be sure to carry the proper safety gear when
• When Launching through the surf, alway s
head directly into the waves.
• A l ways know the direction that the wind is
blowing before launching
• Secure the drain plugs before sailing.
• After sailing, remove the drainplugs to equalize
the pressure in the hulls.
• Carry your Nacra or use beach wheels with
c radles whenever possible to minimize ke e l
Even the best sailors flip occasionally, so prepare yourself and the boat for the inevitable. Install a right-
ing line onto the dolphin striker rod below the mast.
The boat will lose speed as it raises up on one hull and usually flips over slowly. Hang on to the boat,
being careful not to separate yourself from the boat if possible.
As the boat flips, sit on the flat surface of the hull that is out of the water. Lower yourself down to the
bottom hull using the mast step as a step. It is important to get yourself to the bottom hull as quickly
as possible to prevent the boat from turning upside down (turt l e ) . Do not let go of the boat, as the
c u r r e n t and the wind may make it hard or impossible to get back onto the boat.
Uncleat the main, jib and spinnaker sheets. Reach around the front crossbar, and throw the righting
line over the top hull. Make sure that the bows are facing into the wind. Move your weight towards the
transom of the boat to make the boat turn to attain the proper angle. Be careful not to shift your com-
bined weight too far forward or aft as this may cause the boat to roll over and turn turtle. If the mast is
pointed directly into the wind, the boat may turn over on the other side when you right it.
Standing even with the front crossbar, the skipper and crew should grab the righting line, and hike out
backwards. You can tie knots in the righting line to keep your hands from slipping during this proce-
dure. If you are single handing, you may need to carry a righting bag to attain the necessary weight to
right the boat.
Once the tip of the mast starts to come out of the wa t e r, the boat will right quick l y. Be sure to hold
onto the righting line until you can grab the boat and pull yourself up onto it. Be careful to avoid being
hit by the dolphin striker rod as the boat comes down on top of you.The boat will now be pointing into
the wind, and moving fo r ward slowly if at all. S t ow the righting line, organize the sheets, and you are
sailing again!