The spinnaker halyard for the snuffer system is a continuous line – the same line acts as the halyard
to raise the spinnaker, and to douse the spinnaker during take downs.
Tie the end of the halyard that comes down the outside of the mast to the head of the spinnaker.
Run the other end of the halyard down the
mast, through the turning bl o ck on the main
beam, and through the sw i vel cleat. Run the tail
of that line (coming from cleat) into the aft end
of the snu f fer bag, and out through the snu f fe r
head as shown (6, 7).
There is a grommet in the middle of the spin-
naker- run the line coming out of the snuffer
head through this grommet and tie it to the strap
towards the head on the opposite side of the sail.
Be sure not to twist the spinnaker when running
the halyard (7,8).
Tie the Tack of the sail onto the snuffer eyes on the
front of the snuffer head (9).
Run the spinnaker sheet through the ratchet bl o ck on
the hull, to the turning bl o ck on the same side of the
beam, to the other turning bl o ck, then to the ra t c h e t
bl o ck on the opposite hull. Tie the ends to the clew of
the sail.
Raise the spinnaker by pulling on the halyard line
until the sail is all the way up. To “ S nu f f” the spin-
n a ke r, release the halyard from the cleat, and pull
on the halyard that comes out of the end of the
s nu f fer bag.