Tube basics
The 6SN7 and 5AR4 tubes will have a life of about 10,000 hours.
Here are some tips on using tubes:
• Do not use treatments on tube pins or in sockets.
• If you decide to experiment with other tube types, it’s best not to swap
tubes in and out repeatedly, as you never want to cycle (pre)amplifiers
on and off rapidly. They should be left off for at least five minutes. Further,
every time you insert a tube, you stand a chance of loosening the tube
sockets. It’s okay to have fun, and we support that, but don’t go crazy and
swap tubes in and out twenty times in a day.
• Some tubes and tube socketshave a “center key” which must correspond!
If you use“brute” force and misalign, you will damage important and ex-
pensive parts of your preamplifier!!
• The
ca11 has a warm-up time of just a few minutes. While it is
not wise to leave tube power amplifiers on 24 hours a day, you may leave
this preamplifier on though it will result in more frequent tube replace-
ment. Through experimentation come to a conclusion that fits comfor-
tably with your lifestyle.
• Break-in yields improvements. Every tube, when new, needs to be left
alone for a little while. So, when your preamplifier is new, or when you
re-tube it, it may take a little time to settle in. There is however no fixed
“time rule” for break-in.
• Please note that tubes can vary electrically, and by plugging in the wrong
type of tube you can damage the preamplifier, and void your warranty.
Tube Tip
Some 6sn7 tubes are more
microphonic than others. In
your ca11 the 6sn7 positions
most sensitive to this are the
input tubes V1 and V2.
Experiment if you want
with different 6SN7 tubes in
the market to get your opti-
mal sound. You also may ex-
periment with the different
tube-dampers available in
the market to fine-tune your