The front panel and
the chassis of the
models are
finished in high gloss
piano lacquer. The
volume is controlled
in pre-defined steps
with the knob on the
right, source selec-
tion is on the left. Your
sources are labelled 1,
2, 3 and 4 (no func-
tional differences
between these). The
power switch is locat-
ed on the right side of
the amp, just behind
the front plate.
Looking at the rear
panel, you will note
you have 4 pairs of
stereo inputs, 1 set
of preamp outputs.
Front panel - Rear panel
Fuse Protection
A note on fuses:
Fuses are safety
valves. They should always be
replaced with the exact same
value and type.
Never attempt to
check or replace a fuse while the
amplifier is plugged in. Turn off
the amplifier. Unplug all speakers,
components and AC cords. Wait
10 minutes to let tubes cool
down and the circuit to fully
Mains Fuse:
The mains fuse is located on the
rear of the amplifier, at the top
of the power cord socket. The
fuse holder can be snapped out
using a small slotted flat blade