MY4182 - User manual
6. Place a pitcher or large cup (with at least 325 mL/ 11-ounce capacity)
under the tube. Fill the milk reservoir with water and place it back on the
unit. Open the frothing cover, turn the function knob to steam position
after the unit reaching heating temperature, it will make steam
automatically to clean the frothing tube. After about 30s, turn back the
function knob to middle position to stop the process.
7. Repeat Steps 1 – 7 as necessary using only tap water to rinse any
remaining traces of vinegar out of the machine.
Coffee does not
come out.
1. No water in reservoir.
2. Coffee grind is too fine.
3. Too much coffee in the
4. Appliance was not turned
on or plugged in.
5. Coffee has been tamped/
compressed too much.
1. Add water
2. Grind medium ground
3. Fill filter with less coffee.
4. Plug unit into electrical
outlet and turn it on.
5. Refill filter basket with cof-
fee, do not tamp too much.
Coffee comes out
around the edge of
the portafilter.
1. Portafilter not rotated to
full lock position.
2. Coffee grounds around the
filter basket rim.
3.Too much coffee in the filter.
1. Rotate filter holder to full
lock position.
2. Wipe off rim
3. Fill with less coffee
Laptele nu este spumos sau
nu iese din tubul de spumă
1. Nu există aburi.
2. Laptele nu este suficient
de rece.
3. Tubul de spumă este
1. Asigurati-va că este sufi-
cientă apă în rezervor.
2.Răciți laptele și recipientul
pentru spumă înainte de a
prepara cappuccino.
3.Respectați instrucțiunile
pentru a curăța rezervorul
de lapte și tubul de dozare a