© GBC Films Group April 2000
Voyager Operation and Maintenance Manual
Page 1 - 36
5.6 Threading
Before you thread the film around the heat roller,
confirm that the roller is not too hot for your film and the
nip pressure and film tension are at reasonable settings
for beginning your lamination.
GBC Films Group recommends that you use the
following procedure to thread the film through the
laminator. Threading may be done in other ways, but
this method keeps the film from wrapping around a
pull roller, and it is especially appropriate if one
person alone must start the operation.
To thread the laminator, take the following steps:
a. Switch on power at the Main Power Switch.
b. Set the temperature for the heat roller.
Caution should always be exercised
when using the laminator with
the safety shields raised.
Y o u c a n b e s e r i o u s l y H U R T o r I N J U R E D !
c. When the heat roller has become hot enough to laminate
the film, raise the heat roller safety shield.
C A U T I O N ! H e a t r o l l e r i s H O T !