9s Operating instructions, version a0020806
Hot water 1 temperatures
Adjustable is the maximum permitted temperature to be reached at the my-PV temperature sensor
(factory setting = 60 °C). This has nothing to do with a bimetal thermostat which may be installed!
If the cut out temperature of an immersion heating element with a bimetal thermostat is set
too low, the AC•THOR may possibly be unable
to reach the desired temperature!
If the optional automatic temperature boost backup is shown "On" in the window on the right
(factory setting "Off") or the relay output has been selected, a minimum temperature can then be
set (factory setting 50 °C).
Automatic temperature boost backup "On":
The AC•THOR can ensure a minimum temperature at the my
-PV temperature sensor through the
immersion heating element connected. This is supplied with maximum power.
Relay output:
Alternatively, the minimum temperature can be maintained by enabling an external heat source.
Enablement is by means of a potential-free contact. For details of wiring the potential-free contacts,
please refer to the assembly instructions in the chapter "Connections".
TIP for AC
THOR (not AC
THOR 9s):
If as an external heat source a second immersion heating element (maximum 3 kW)
is used, it can be suitably connected up for 6 kW operation. This differs from the 6
kW operating mode in that here the second immersion heating element is only used
for temperature boost backup and not as an extension to the normal control range!
Hot water 1 min switching times
This setting can be selected when the temperature boost backup is "On" under "Hot water 1
temperatures", or when the relay output has been selected.
There are two time windows available to maintain the minimum temperature on the my-PV
temperature sensor. Start and finish can each be defined at full hours. Factory settings suggest
switching times of 5 to 11 pm and 5 to 7 am.
TIP: Restrict the times when the minimum temperature has to be maintained to
mornings and evenings, to increase your own PV consumption through the day!
Start hour and stop hour refer to the same calendar day. If a time window is defined over
midnight, hot water backup will not start!
If the adjusted start-hour is after the stop-hour, hot water backup will not start!
Hot water 1 min weekdays
This setting can be selected when the temperature boost backup is "On" under "Hot water 1
temperatures", or when the relay output has been selected.
You can select the weekdays on which the minimum temperature has to be maintained. In the
factory settings, all weekdays are activated.
Boost output (only with AC
THOR 9s)
If boost backup is activated for AC•THOR 9s, it is possible to specify which lo
ad outputs are to be
used for this purpose. All three outputs are activated at the factory.