Racquet Patterns
Each racquet has a stringing pattern that is specified by the racquet manufacturer
You need to check with racquet manufacture for your racquet either by racquet’s
manual or manufacture’s web site or call manufacture for assistance.
To interpret stringing patterns correctly, it is important to know what each part
racquet is called. The tip of racquet is know as the “HEAD” and is referred to as “H” in
stringing patterns. The bottom of the racquet head is known as the “THROAT” and is
referred to as “T” in patterns. The strings that run from the throat to the head of racquet
are known as the “MAIN” and are referred to as “M” in stringing patterns.
The strings that run from side in the racquet head are known as the “CROSS” and are
referred to as “X” in stringing patterns. The holes in the racquet head are referred to by
number, counting in either direction from the center at the head (e.g. 7H) or the throat
(e.g. 7T).
Patterns Example
Notice that the stringing pattern for PRINCE Accuracy 110 as patterns example contains
information for one-piece stringing and two-piece stringing. One-piece stringing is the
most common, but it is not always the best. A description of the two methods of stringing
follow along with a few of their advantages and disadvantages. When all is said and done,
both methods yield excellent results. To avoid unwanted stresses, some racquet
manufacturers occasionally specify only one method for stringing some of their frames.