1/17/18, 8'04 AM
Mutable Instruments | Anushri - Assembly instructions
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through R25 falling apart, and deviation from exponential response from the SS2164.
VCF calibration
1. Dial a patch in which the oscillators are silent. This can be achieved by enabling
and setting the
oscillators pitch to a very low value.
2. Disable the envelope / LFO modulation on filter cutoff.
3. Set cutoff to a middle value.
4. Set resonance to a maximum value.
5. You should hear the self-oscillation tone. Adjust the V/Oct trimmer so that the intervals are respected –
that is to say, when you play C3 then C4, you should hear two notes, maybe not C3s and C4s, but they
must be one octave apart. If you do not have a good sense of pitch, you can try a software tuner like
Tuna Pitch on OS X. If the filter is correctly tuned, you should be able to play the filter “self oscillation
tone” across roughly 4 octaves with correct tuning.
Note that VCF tuning might vary a bit with temperature, so there is no need to spend too much time
on this!
Mechanical assembly
The following mechanical parts are used to hold the boards and the case together:
Note that a newer revision of the case has 10 holes, not 4, on its bottom panel.
It is recommended to do the assembly from the inner to the outer - start by assembling the two
boards together…