1/17/18, 8'04 AM
Mutable Instruments | Anushri - Assembly instructions
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3x trimmers. The adjustment screws should be on the same side as on the symbol printed on the
3x LM4040 voltage references, 1x 2N3906 transistor and 1x 2N5485. Check the symbol printed on the
board for their alignment.
1x 22nF film capacitor (C4).
2x 220pF styroflex capacitor (C14, C28).
1x 2.2nF styroflex capacitor (C9). You can solder it to pins 1 3 (leaving the middle pin) or to pins to 2 3
(leaving the left pin) depending on the size of the part. See the image below.
1x 1.6 10k resistor network. See the image below for orientation: the dot on the resistor network should
be on the same side as the
printed on the board.