If you knew HSB colorspace, you can also skip this section.
But if you don’t know it, there’s nothing wrong with you.
In plain English, hue roughly means color: red, yellow, green,
blue, purple; and saturation means a color’s purity. When a
maple leaf turns red, it changes hue. If you place a bright
blue cardboard outdoors, its color will fade, it will be less
and less saturated.
The Hue Slider is composed of two color bars. The upper
one is static and the lower one movable. Slide the latter,
and you will see the image shifts its overall coloring. This
function mostly affects loud colors, less on mute colors.
It does not change black, whte and gray.
The Saturation Slider lets you to adjust an image’s color
purity. Slide it to the left, the image becomes dull, like a
black and white photo. Slide it to the right, the image
becomes more colorful.
These two functions are disabled when scanning in
grayscale or 48-bit color.