Assembly C does not normally require replacement. These instructions will guide you through
disassembly and reassembly of Assembly C, shown on the following page in Diagram C. To
begin disassembly and reassembly of Assembly C, you will need the following tool:
. (1) Phillips Head Screw Driver
1. Loosen and remove the needle valve. Inspect all components of Assembly C, with reference
to Diagram C.
2. If replacement is required, loosen and remove the needle nut. Next, loosen and remove the
needle bushing and needle seat.
3. Before beginning reassembly of Assembly C, apply liberal amounts of Teflon thread sealant
to the threads of the needle bushing and needle valve.
4. Install the needle seat. Do not overtighten.
5. Install the needle bushing. Next, install the needle nut and tighten.
6. Lastly, install the needle valve and tighten.