SN8000 EVK User Guide
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2. Setting up the SN8000 EVK for Windows
The SN8000 Development Kit (SN8000 EVK) supports the evaluation and development of wireless IP
networking products. It consists of an evaluation board (EVB) [1], a SN8000 SDIO adapter [2], a ribbon
cable, a mini-USB cable, and an installation package and this user guide. The SDIO adapter contains a
SN8000 module and a ribbon cable connector. The EVB contains a STM32F205RG microcontroller, a
dual channel USB-UART/USB-JTAG interface IC, a ribbon cable connector and a SDIO socket. The
SN8000 EVK is intended for the following purposes:
Demonstrate the dual AP/STA mode of operation. The preloaded firmware supports a web-based
interface for configuring the WiFi connection to a specified AP.
Serve as a software development platform to design IP-enabled WiFi systems using the Broadcom
WICED architecture [3].
Each of these steps is discussed in detail in the following subsections.
2.1 SN8000 SDIO adapter
The SDIO adapter board is a carrier board for the SN8000 module supporting 802.11 b/g/n WiFi. It can be
connected to the EVB and provide the hardware platform for application development – insert the SDIO
adapter to the SDIO socket and connect the ribbon cable for IO controls as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1 SN8000 SDIO adapter connected to the EVB
The ribbon cable connector CN2 provides the necessary GPIO signals used by WICED SDK. The signal
assignment is as shown below:
(1, SLOW_CLK) , (2, GPIO1), (3, GPIO0), (4, RST_N), (5, VDD_3V3_EN)