SN8000 EVK User Guide
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3.3 Build and download the application
The new created target “snip.scan-SN8000x download” should
appear in the updated Wiced-SDK target list. Double click on it to
build the scan application based on SN8000 platform, the IDE
console window displays the build progress.
The build target is appended with the ‘download’ and
options, these options tell the toolchain to download the firmware
and run the application after the build completes.
The build output looks similar to the following:
**** Build of configuration Default for
project Wiced-SDK ****
C:\My Documents\WICED\Wiced-SDK-2.3.1\Wiced-
SDK\make.exe snip.scan-SN8000x download
Building Bootloader
Building App
Making .gdbinit
Creating security credentials
Converting resources