Black - Ground Wire: This wire should be attached to the truck frame. Caution:
Body attachments do not always provide good grounds.
Red - Power Input To EOS-110: Connect this line to the output terminal of the
on/off switch controlling the clutch or PTO. A 9 Amp fuse is required
in this line.**
Green - Power Output From EOS-110: (Normally open output): Connect this line
to solenoid or clutch coil.
Yellow - RPM Input To EOS-110: Connect this line to alternator ‘R’ terminal,
tachometer signal, or connect to magnetic sensor pick up on PTO unit.
White - Overspeed Indicator Light: (Normally closed output): Connect this line
to overspeed light.
**NOTE: The EOS-110 is supplied with a 9 amp fuse. Be sure there is a 9 amp
fuse in this circuit. If fuse is blown do not bypass fuse, refer to trouble
shooting guide in the back of this booklet.